For enquiries contact Christina
quoting catalogue number and title.
26. Ramalina fraxinea (Madeira). Unmounted, image 105mm w x 60mm h. SOLD
27. Flavoparmelia caperata (UK). Mounted window 210mm square. SOLD
28. Ramalina fastigiata, Australia. Unmounted, image 85mm w x 46mm h. £45
29. Squamaria cartilaginae & Fulensia fulgens, Sweden. Mounted, window 85mm w x 72mm h. SOLD
30. Ramalina fastigiata, UK. Mounted, window 85mm square. SOLD
31. Thamnolina vermicularis, Norway. Mounted, window 88mm w x 58mm h. £45
32. Ramalina siliquosa, UK. Unmounted, image 120mm w x 90mm h. £ 65
33. Usnea sp. Unmounted, image 80mm w x 170mm h. SOLD
34. Ben Lawers rock lichens. Mounted, window 105mm w x 95mm h.SOLD
The three paintings below are mounted together and sold as a single artwork.
Mount windows 85mm wide x 103mm high
35. Lichen types B SOLD
Crustose lichens, various species , UK
Foliose lichen, Xanthoria parietina, UK
Fruticose lichen, Ramalina fastigiata, France.
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